Today, I am very pleased to share a conversation with friend, author, podcast host, researcher and counselor, Zach Rhoads. Zach is the host of the podcast “The Social Exchange.” “The Social Exchange” features conversations with prominent thought leaders like Michael Shermer, Johann Hari, Anthony Magnabosco and many more. Zach is also the author of the book, “Outgrowing Addiction,” written with Dr. Stanton Peele, where they make the argument that the disease model of addiction is wrong while also presenting an alternative to the most common addiction rehab program, Alcoholics Anonymous. His book, “Outgrowing Addiction”, and the shortcomings of the mainstream view on addiction are the main topics of focus for this conversation. Here, we discuss the problems with AA and also touch on where it gets things right. We talk about Zach’s views on the disease model of addiction and why he believes it’s incorrect. We also touch briefly on Zach’s own history of addiction to heroin, how he outgrew his addiction, and the role his experience played in developing his ideas about addiction, among other topics. Watch this conversation on YouTube or listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Outgrowing Addiction:
The Social Exchange Apple Podcasts:
Zach Rhoads Twitter:
Life Process Program (an alternative to AA):
Zach Rhoads and Dr. Stanton Peele discuss Dax Shepard:
Outgrowing Addiction Summary Animation