In this episode, I chat with Michael Lavery. Michael is a brain coach and the founder of the Whole Brain Power training program. Here, we get into the specific tenets and practices of Whole Brain Power, how he started practicing to become ambidextrous, the impact ambidexterity can have on the brain, how violent movies and video games condition the brain, anxiety and depression as a result of communicating through technology and the importance of precise speech and handwriting. You can contact Michael and learn more about his services here. Visit the Amazon affiliate link below to purchase his book and start your own ambidexterity training.
- Juggling grows the brain – New Scientist
- Musicians and Non-Musicians: Anatomical Differences in the Human Brain
- Pregnenolone, memory, and concentration
- It’s ‘digital heroin’: How screens turn kids into psychotic junkies – NY Post
- Writing by hand could make you smart – Psychology Today
- Bryson DeChambeau signs flag backward left-handed and ambidextrous golf swing
- Robert Twine shoots a 57 (golf)
- Warren Buffet and Richard Branson agree: communication is key to increasing net worth – CNBC
- Speech changes may be the first sign of Alzheimer’s – Alzheimers.net
- Dementia leading cause of death among women in
UK – BBC - Millennial grip strength decreasing – NPR
- DNA BioComputer Reprogramming
- Water has memory
- The prominent role of the cerebellum in the learning, origin
and advancement of culture - Mirrored handwriting